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Top gear Stig Like Youtube series ideas


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2017
I know it may sound sad but sim racing means alot to me and as im unemployed at them moment and suffering from depression it has helped me a lot over the years.
Anyway to what I was going to ask, I've been wanting to show off all racing games cars around a track but couldn't think of a track that's in most games, don't a few around Brands Hatch as in alot of games but not the best track to show cars off I think. And with Ride 2 having lots of bikes though may show bike sims too. where I could show if a car is quicker in one game from the same car in another game. I know sounds a boring series of youtube videos but it's something to do and hoping to get a better pc so could add iracing cars to it too.
What track ideas do you have?
Thanks for the idea didnt think of there. It should be in gt sport and project cars 2 too most likely.