Precision Racing League

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Thank you from RaceSpot

Wil Vincent

RaceSpot TV
Wil Vincent
Apr 30, 2022
United Kingdom
iRacing ID
Hi all!

Many of you don't know me. I'm the co-owner of RaceSpot TV, and have been shouting at virtual racecars for over a decade.

I just want to say massive thank you to the entire community for your efficiency and patience as we have onboarded PRL to our Broadcast network. Jerome and the gang have been super helpful in ensuring that we get all the info we need, and of course, that information comes from you. So thanks!

I know that our broadcasts look and sound a little different to previous seasons. I know GSRC have done a great job over the years, and some of you may miss their coverage, but we hope that ours is at least as good. As we get more settled into the various series, you will see how some things become more natural, as we can build new storylines and interact with you in various ways. We are having a blast covering these series, and it's because of the fun racing that you put on. Trust me when I say it that without the action, our job gets a LOT harder. I've commentated races with 8 people in it, all 5 seconds apart, and there is only so much I can talk about micro sectors!

Remember Live Timing is available for each event at, and all videos are in playlists for you to watch on demand. If you've got any feedback, good bad or otherwise, please feel free to email me directly at, and we will look into it for you!
Thanks for everything guys are doing for us! The relationship we have is amazing and we both are passionate and are driven by pure passion! We can see it right away in the high quality of products you bring!

Your commentators already made research and know the history of most of our series and drivers which amaze me!

I hope all PRL members feel the same and we are looking forward to see the future of both RaceSpot and PRL working together. And VCO as well! Top world sim racing organization joining force mean a lot for us!

So a final message to all PRL members: let's put a freakin' good show so Wil Vincent commentator instinct wake him up at night so he come commenting some of our races!!
Something I forgot to mention! A big thanks for all the support and fantastic collaboration of hugoluis to assist us during this transition! Hugo's not only a legend behind the wheel, he is also a legend behind the scene organizing all of this and producing like a master!
Wil Vincent hugoluis

Thank you guys for all the time and help you guys put in to make this work and happen. You guys also helped us bringing and connecting us with major names in the sim racing community like VCO.

I watched all the streams this week and they were amazing so a big shout out to everyone involved in this, you guys, the race directors, commentators and everyone behind the scene who are involved and who often don't get the credits.

Once again thank you Wil and Hugo for making it happen and I'd like to also say a huge thank you to this community to allow this to happen, if it wasn't for the PRL community that we have here none of this would exist. I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as we are !

NB: Wil and Hugo, I had to update your forum profile images hope you don't mind :p