Precision Racing League

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  • 2024 Season 4 Signups now open to all !

    Hi Guest, Signups for Season 4 of 2024 are currently open for all drivers!

    Our series structure has been updated for the upcoming season. If you missed the announcement, please refer to the details posted on Discord.

    Click here to sign up.

Stay Safe


Premium Member
Chris Perez
Feb 4, 2017
USA, Kansas, Topeka
iRacing ID
Hey everyone. I know a lot of you don't even know who I am. I'm Chris Perez, iRacing PRL Manager. But that's not the reason for my post

This goes to anyone in the possible path of Hurricane Irma. Please stay safe. Evacuate if possible, and don't under estimate this storm. I realize some might have to stay in place and brave the storm. Hopefully you all have the proper supplies to make it through until things get restored.

If you are in the path, I know things will be crazy for a while afterwards. But when possible, would you please make a post in this topic that you've made it through safely.
Thanks for your time,
Chris Perez