Precision Racing League

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Refund/switch or credit?


New member
Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan
Aug 15, 2023
iRacing ID
Hello, I wrote in discord but maybe it's not the right approach.
I have registered for LMP3/GT4 series, but some things have changed in my life and It will be more suited for midweek/oval races, if those are full I understand. Is there a chance for a refund or have credit for next season or some solution?
Thank you, sorry to be a hassle
Hello, I wrote in discord but maybe it's not the right approach.
I have registered for LMP3/GT4 series, but some things have changed in my life and It will be more suited for midweek/oval races, if those are full I understand. Is there a chance for a refund or have credit for next season or some solution?
Thank you, sorry to be a hassle
I believe the truck series, that you asked about in discord, is full, but Xfinity still has a spot. You may want to DM jeromef1 since he is the one that will most likely deal with that sort of thing