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PC build help!!!


Well-known member
David Cristelli
Nov 15, 2017
USA, CT, Enfield
iRacing ID
Hey guys,
I figure there's got to be some gaming rig builders around here so I'm looking for advice.  I want to take advantage of the Christmas deals and buy/build a gaming rig.  I want to run an Oculus, and I don't want the thing to be obsolete in a year.  However, I'd like to keep it under $1500 if I can.  I can go a little over that, but I'll need good reason.  Basically looking for best bang for my buck.  I know a little about this stuff but I haven't looked at this stuff for several years so I don't know the current lay of the land, so to speak.
So what should I look for?  i7 or Ryzen processor? Invidia or AMD GPU?  Is it ok to mix and match processor and GPU?  I was just looking at this guy:
Alienware R6
Here my thoughts:

1 - Intel or AMD? AMD Ryzen is really good for the price and it will make you spend more money in the GPU which is good! Intel i5 or i7? For gaminf, i7 is useless, it's more effective in multi-tasking which you are not doing usually when gaming. You can get a solid i5 that will work perfectly.

2 - AMD or Nvidia. Nvidia GTx1080 all the way! Nvidia always provide more stable drivers than AMD.

3 - You want 16go of ram DDr4 for sure!

4 - Get a Samsung EVO SSD (256go or 500go)

The only thing I'm not sure about is the Oculus... I don't know a lot of drivers who are using it but I know we have a few at PRL. I think the Oculus must be set perfectly because if it's not, you can get nauseous & dizzy, but maybe I'm wrong.

Hope this help!
jeromef1 said:
Here my thoughts:

1 - Intel or AMD? AMD Ryzen is really good for the price and it will make you spend more money in the GPU which is good! Intel i5 or i7? For gaminf, i7 is useless, it's more effective in multi-tasking which you are not doing usually when gaming. You can get a solid i5 that will work perfectly.

2 - AMD or Nvidia. Nvidia GTx1080 all the way! Nvidia always provide more stable drivers than AMD.

3 - You want 16go of ram DDr4 for sure!

4 - Get a Samsung EVO SSD (256go or 500go)

The only thing I'm not sure about is the Oculus... I don't know a lot of drivers who are using it but I know we have a few at PRL. I think the Oculus must be set perfectly because if it's not, you can get nauseous & dizzy, but maybe I'm wrong.

Hope this help!

Thanks! Good to know about the i5 vs i7.  In that case I'll either look for an i5 or a Ryzen processor, and I'll stick with the Nvidia cards, probably a 1080 unless I can find one with a 1080Ti for a reasonable price.