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Advanced SimRacing - Mark

Premium Member
Marc-André Ladouceur
May 12, 2021
iRacing ID
Before today in the SimRacing market, there wasn't a ton of reliable, high-quality Shifters and Handbrakes available out there... That's finally going to change.

Introducing our new partners VNM Simulation from Vietnam.

Their highly dedicated team of talented engineers have created what we believe to be the absolute best quality-to-price ratio items when it comes to hybrid H-Pattern / Sequential Shifters and load cell-based Handbrakes. We have spent the last few weeks testing these new items with the ASR team and give it our stamp of approval with the highest distinction!

The team is extremely happy to introduce VNM Simulation products to the North America market! Available now for immediate dispatch and as per our usual policy, free shipping and no import duties all across North America.

VNM Shifter V1 :
VNM Handbrake V1 :
All VNM Simulation products & accessories :

Advanced SimRacing - VNM Simulation Announcement.jpg
How would you compare the shifter to the Fanatec? And do you know if the mounting holes work with a GT Omega Apex shifter mount?
Everyone that's tested the unit here at ASR considers it "far superior" to the Fanatec Shifter... No questions there.

Not familiar with the GT Omega Apex Shifter mounting pattern, but here's the one from VNM which you can match to your plate :

Yeah, I saw that. And another YouTuber has a good video comparing them directly. He said the VNM was probably the better dedicated H pattern shifter, the main drawback being harder to swap to sequential. But I doubt I'd use a stick sequential, so that's not an issue.
Yeah, I saw that. And another YouTuber has a good video comparing them directly. He said the VNM was probably the better dedicated H pattern shifter, the main drawback being harder to swap to sequential. But I doubt I'd use a stick sequential, so that's not an issue.
It takes about 45 seconds to swap to Sequential... perhaps 30s if you're handy with tools.