Precision Racing League

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New member from Michigan looking for GT3 racing


New member
Dean Geroux
Dec 26, 2020
iRacing ID
HI everyone. Dean here from Michigan. I've been iRacing for about a year with a used Ubutto rig and Thrustmaster wheel and pedals.. I've recently upgraded to a home made 8020 rig with triple screens, new VRS DD PRO wheel base and Fanatec V3 pedals. I'm looking for friendly community for some good GT3 racing.
HI everyone. Dean here from Michigan. I've been iRacing for about a year with a used Ubutto rig and Thrustmaster wheel and pedals.. I've recently upgraded to a home made 8020 rig with triple screens, new VRS DD PRO wheel base and Fanatec V3 pedals. I'm looking for friendly community for some good GT3 racing.
Seems like you're off to a good start. If you're interested in doing longer races