Precision Racing League

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My Race Car!


Well-known member
Chad Rubalcave
Feb 7, 2017
Rifle Colorado
iRacing ID
IMG_20220106_180208771.jpg it took me almost a year (for PC) to get everything I wanted. But I finally did it. I am done for now.
It was just balancing act between making me happy, Keeping the Wife and kid happy.

Any One have any good products they know of to hide or at least control wires?
I saw that you have an aluminum profile rig, you should get the cable management clip from ASR! And you have a 5% discount being a PRL member 😁. I have those and I'm not seeing any cable!

I saw that you have an aluminum profile rig, you should get the cable management clip from ASR! And you have a 5% discount being a PRL member 😁. I have those and I'm not seeing any cable!

How do you get the 5% discount??
This was my first race car. Built it out of an old Buick Regal. First attempt, had no idea what i was doing 😅 but i ran it for 3 seasons at a local 3/8 mile dirt track. First race i was scared shitless. Fully expected it to fall apart


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