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Introducing the ASR 1

Advanced SimRacing - Mark

Premium Member
Marc-André Ladouceur
May 12, 2021
iRacing ID
There's a newcomer in the ASR family of SimRacing chassis... Introducing the ASR 1, a zero flex, zero frills rig that offers unparalleled quality at an unbeatable price. For people starting out in their SimRacing journey or for budget-conscious customers, this is the ultimate tool to up your game without breaking the bank.

Now available on our website for 397.99$ or 449.95$ with free shipping and no import duties to pay :

We are also pleased to announce that the will be available in a combo with our (Medium) at a discount of over 100$ on the regular retail price :

Thanks to their wide-ranging selection of high quality SimRacing peripherals, we definitely recommend Thrustmaster products as the pairing of choice for the ASR 1. When used with an affordable, yet high-quality chassis, the feedback you will get from your peripherals will be perfectly translated to help you achieve optimal racing performance.

Advanced SimRacing - ASR 1 - B&W (Compressed).jpg
Great line-up now!
Thanks! We aimed to build a complete line-up of chassis for all budgets and peripherals. And now we're taking this approach for accessories and monitor stands too.

We have about 6-7 more products on the radar to complete our SimRacing portfolio (who am I kidding, it's never gonna be "completed")

Let us know if you have any suggestions of parts or accessories that could be useful, we welcome all ideas from the community.
Do you have a compatible screen mounting solution for the ASR1?
Yup! It's coming out in about 2 weeks. It's basically a simplified/lighter version of our integrated monitor stand (that uses thick steel plates).

We're also on the hunt for seat manufacturers that could help us create a complete simulator for under 1000$ (chassis, monitor stand, seat, wheel/wheelbase and pedals).

We may or may have not signed a deal with one the world's largest SimRacing peripheral manufacturer, one big check in our quest for the ultimate entry-level configuration... ;)
Hey there, we had the opportunity to test it extensively. It gets the job done!

We actually ran a 2 hour long test with the ASR 1 and a Simucube Pro cranked up to 11... Of course it's not optimal/ideal, but it survived the beatdown :rolleyes: