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Introducing the ASF-R // Formula-style SimRacing Chassis

Advanced SimRacing - Mark

Premium Member
Marc-André Ladouceur
May 12, 2021
iRacing ID
Hey everyone! One thing we've noticed working in the SimRacing industry for the past year and a half is the lack of ultra robust and durable chassis options for a Formula-style racing position. We're happy to introduce our newest creation to the Precision Racing League community, the ASR-F. It features a powder coated high grade American aluminum build with a 6" base, 4.5" steering column and pedal tray extension along with thick Canadian steel plates to support peripherals. Contrary to the market's most popular Formula 1 inspired rig, this bad boy can take the most powerful peripherals available today without breaking a sweat. Feel free to ask any questions right here and we'll answer them ASAP!

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For those wishing to see the full chassis up close and personal

The ASR-F is the culmination of a year-long quest to achieve the ultimate Formula-style racing position with an aluminum profile build. This is, without the shadow of a doubt, the most robust Formula-style SimRacing chassis ever created.

Pre-paid pre-orders (Starting at 999$ USD or 1,099$ CAD)

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