Precision Racing League

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Important Changes Notification For 2024 Season 1


League Owner
Staff member
Jerome Berthiaume
Jan 25, 2017
Nicolet, QC, Canada
iRacing ID
Dear Precision Racing League Members,

We are announcing that we have made some important changes to our membership structure and racing schedule that will be implemented in the upcoming months. These changes are necessary due to an increase in our operational expenses, including broadcasting costs, website maintenance, and various operational expenditures. Our commitment to providing you with a high-quality racing experience remains unchanged, and these adjustments are aimed at ensuring the sustainability of our league.

Change in Championship Format:
Starting with the 2024 Season 1, we will be making an adjustment to our championships format. Championships will consist of nine races instead of the previous ten, with the addition of a pre-season race. Please note that the pre-season race will not be broadcasted. These changes are also aimed at optimizing our racing calendar by strategically incorporating scheduled breaks ahead of holidays and special events.

Adjustment in Signup Cost:
In addition to the championship format change, the cost of signing up for a Precision Racing League championship will be adjusted from $25 USD to $35 USD starting with the 2024 Season 1 ($40 USD for NASCAR Cup due to longer races). We understand that this may be an adjustment for some of you, but as mentioned previously it is an essential change to support the long-term sustainability of our league and to continue delivering top-notch racing experiences.

Removal of Premium Membership:
Effective on October 20th, 2023, we will be discontinuing the Premium Membership option. We understand that many of you have enjoyed the benefits of Premium Membership, and we sincerely appreciate your support. However, this change will help us streamline our offerings and assign drivers to series more efficiently. On that date, we will also disable automatic renewals for all existing premium members. This means that your current active premium membership will not be automatically renewed.

Honoring Current Active Memberships:
We value your loyalty, and as such, all current active memberships will be honored according to their end dates. You will not experience any disruptions to your premium membership privileges until your renewal date arrives.

Regarding the Premium Discount, we will adjust the PREMIUM coupon code providing an 18% rebate that aligns with the current discounted rate applicable on signups. Please be assured that we are committed to upholding the same benefits for the duration of your current active premium membership.

Seasonal draw:
We are pleased to announce that, commencing with the 2024/S1 season, our end-of-season prize draw will be open to all members who have participated in a minimum of six out of nine races within their respective series, regardless of their premium membership status. Since the Premium membership is abolished; the remaining premium members will receive extra draw entry as a compensation perk.

We want to assure you that these changes have been carefully considered, and our goal is to continue providing you with an exceptional racing community and competitive events. We greatly appreciate your understanding and continued support as we adapt to the evolving landscape of sim racing.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team by using the contact us form of our forum. Your feedback is important to us, and we are here to assist you in any way we can.

Thank you for being a part of the Precision Racing League. We look forward to a lot of exciting seasons of racing together.

Best Regards
Change in Championship Format:
Starting with the 2024 Season 1, we will be making an adjustment to our championships format. Championships will consist of nine races instead of the previous ten, with the addition of a pre-season race. Please note that the pre-season race will not be broadcasted. These changes are also aimed at optimizing our racing calendar by strategically incorporating scheduled breaks ahead of holidays and special events.
Can the non-broadcasted "pre-season race" still be a points paying race in oval so it doesn't throw off the current style year long playoff format in those series?
Can the non-broadcasted "pre-season race" still be a points paying race in oval so it doesn't throw off the current style year long playoff format in those series?
We discussed that internally about a year ago and for us, it's just odd to have a season opener round not being broadcasted, this is not good from a viewership standpoint. While the drivers may not really care, it's important to understand that the broadcast is an important marketing aspect for PRL.

Also, with Holiday period sometimes giving us weird schedule, we may even in some case have to cancel the pre season or even put it on a day where lot of people may not be able to attend the races, which is unfair we think