Precision Racing League

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Hello I am new here


New member
May 19, 2018
New York
Hi my name is godwendy or Chris, I am 16 years old and i like sim racing. I am looking for a good community to play with. I am getting bored of racing ai drivers, and I hate playing online because of people who don't race cleanly. I hope this is a good community I can have fun in.
You are joining a great community Chris!

I guess the big question is, what is your race Sim of choice? There are leagues for project cars 2, Asetto Corsa, F1 2017, Nascar heat and iRacing. I race with iRacing, and will be joining the new Thursday series when it starts up in a couple weeks. There are road or oval series alike.

Browse the forums, and find out which league might work best for you. There are great people in every one of them. Hope you find something, and have a bunch of good clean racing!