Precision Racing League

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Gran Turismo

So if I wanted to race in a league in addition to F1, what is the general consesus of Assetto Corsa vs Project Cars 2?  I only ask because I have never raced either of those games.
Out of those 2 games, we only have 1 current league going. Project Cars 2 on the PS4, we race GT3 cars on Tuesday nights. If you are interested, we are currently accepting sign ups for our new season.
Thanks, Hoot. I am finding more info as I look around.  I would definitely be able to race in that time slot so I am going to grab a copy of PC2.  I saw when reading the prl rules that there is a minimum connection speed but I saw nowhere to ping my connection.  I have 100 mb service so I don't think it will be an issue. 
I have a million questions, but just two to start.  First, if I pick up the game tomorrow will I be able to have a GT3 car by the time the season starts?  Second, what are the driving aids that are forced as it said in the rules? And thanks for taking the time to guide me through this.
ab53moh said:
I have a million questions, but just two to start.  First, if I pick up the game tomorrow will I be able to have a GT3 car by the time the season starts?  Second, what are the driving aids that are forced as it said in the rules? And thanks for taking the time to guide me through this.

I sent you a PM. Or if it's easier for you, you could also message me on PSN. My tag is Hootius there as well.