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FS: Logitech G29 w/Shifter, Wheelstand Pro


Well-known member
David Cristelli
Nov 15, 2017
USA, CT, Enfield
iRacing ID
I'm selling my G29 wheel, pedals, and shifter along with a Wheelstand Pro. Everything is in excellent shape with no blemishes or damage beyond normal wear from regular use. This is a great entry level setup for PC or PS3/PS4 racing games. I even still have the boxes. The Wheelstand Pro is sturdy and highly adjustable. It folds away nicely with everything still attached, so you won't get nagged about it taking up space in the living room. 

Asking $300/obo for the whole shebang

Wheel/pedals/shifter:  $200/obo

Wheelstand Pro: $125/obo

Shipping is on you. Will consider shipping outside the US if it's not too much of a PITA.  Pictures coming soon.