Precision Racing League

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Finally joining the PC community!


Well-known member
Chad Rubalcave
Feb 7, 2017
Rifle Colorado
iRacing ID
No more dead Xbox lobbies for me (racing anyways). Just got my first PC, waiting on monitors, they will be here middle of May. 2 year iRacing subscription, bought all road courses, couple ovals for now (got expensive quick), couple cars in each class. Going to work on my safety and class rating and hopefully in a season or 2 get back into this league, I have missed it here!

Looking for some tips from people to get more proficient with iRacing settings.

Jeromef1, Glad to see you and your leagues are still around! I hosted/Ran the xbox pcars 1&2 league, a few years ago
Glad to see you back my friend!!!

I did remember you as XB1 organiser!! Let me know if at some point you are interested in organizing again!!

As for iRating and safety rating. To get rid of rookie licence, I suggest you to start races from the pit lol. Once you are D licence, select the series you want and work to increase iRating!

Across our road series, we are asking for minimum 1000 iRating and C or B licence. You will see, it's not that hard to get there. Just drive clean and avoid incidents like off-track šŸ˜‰

Can't wait to see you back racing with us!!
"organiser" that's the word I was looking for. 1000, that sounds perfect. I have bounced around other leagues and it's always a bunch of "fill in the blank".!?!.
Made it to A license in both Road and Oval, with an irating of between 1800-1900. just going to perfect a specific car in each class. Going to be joining one of your seasons soon!!!

Attached is a picture of my new setup.IMG_20210607_153635476_HDR.jpg
Wow nice setup!!

FYI, 2021/S3 signups will close by June 20th ;)

It's also recommended to be a premimum member to secure your seat!
Just did the premium membership. Give me a couple of days to decide I'm leaning towards the NASCAR trucks just as a first series. Kind of want to perfect the road a little bit. But I will sign up for one here in the next few days.
Just did the premium membership. Give me a couple of days to decide I'm leaning towards the NASCAR trucks just as a first series. Kind of want to perfect the road a little bit. But I will sign up for one here in the next few days.
There is only 1 place available as Premium in the NASCAR Truck, so take your decision quickly hehe!

As a former F1 Xbox driver, I would see a good fit for you in the Thursday F3 series ;)