Precision Racing League

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European league


Aug 10, 2017
Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I am new to iracing, I really enjoy the oval racing, the trucks, the street stocks etc. and I would really like to join a league but there are no European leagues and the American ones don't suite my time schedule as they are too late in the night for me to race in them. I was thinking if we had enough interested people to start a European oval racing league, if not is there any leagues which are European based which I can race in?
We are going to have an european gt3 championship jext season, march or april. Oval isnt that popular in europe so we took series that we know it is šŸ˜Š
hagar147 said:
Hi Jerome,

Are there any plans of organizing a European League again in the near future?


Hi Davy!

As we are already growing very well in America, we don't have any short term plan for Europe. But, we still want to have European championships. However, to make it possible, we would need an European manager who will manage that part of our website. He would need to build up a team of organisers around him to work and manage series. We now have some precise standard that must be respected league wide, even on other continent.

I know you were former organiser at PRL and have the skill to do that. If you are interested in working for us, let me know ;)