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Cornering and the Vortex of Danger


Staff member
Nick McLaughlin
Apr 30, 2021
London, ON, Canada
iRacing ID
Given some discussion this season and the amount of similar protests we had..
Stumbled upon this really great article by Randy Pobst describing what he refers to as "The Vortex of Danger"
Essentially a zone in corner entry and exit to avoid because it will almost certainly result in contact, and how to define your own zone.

Good article for rookies and veterans alike!
Given some discussion this season and the amount of similar protests we had..
Stumbled upon this really great article by Randy Pobst describing what he refers to as "The Vortex of Danger"
Essentially a zone in corner entry and exit to avoid because it will almost certainly result in contact, and how to define your own zone.

Good article for rookies and veterans alike!
His article is very helpful... I read it few months ago and change my mind about some situation in race...
Pobst is a great guy. I met him the year i crewed for Speedsource Mazda. He made it a point to memorize every crewman’s name which is very rare for top tier drivers. Hes the ultimate professional race driver in every respect. Can learn a lot from him.