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Car numbers + league racing + Trading Paint skins


Jun 28, 2020
USA, California, Los Angeles
Hi all, I'm new to this league stuff and this will be my first season. With that said, I love to use paint schemes from Trading Paints. 
What I'd like to know is, will I need a premium Trading Paints account to display custom numbers for the league/season? 
I know I have to stick with the car number I signed up with for the whole season. I'm a bit confused though about how to get that custom car number onto painted skins via Trading Paints platform. 
I'm hoping someone here has already gone through this and/or knows? 

You don't need a custom number. We assign car number directly from league section on iRacing.
I think the question was not fully understood, so hopefully this will help answer it more in depth.
You can only use a custom number paint scheme if you have Trading Paints Pro, otherwise you will be using the sim stamped number. If you are using a sim stamped number, the league assigned number is what will display on your car and there is nothing you need to do like Jerome said. If you are running a custom number, you need to make sure you use the correct number on your paint scheme or you'll look like a dummy driving around with the wrong number on your car. You'll also need to check that box in the graphics menu in-sim that says "hide sim numbers", or whatever it says, in order to see your custom number paint scheme.
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I think the question was not fully understood, so hopefully this will help answer it more in depth.
You can only use a custom number paint scheme if you have Trading Paints Pro, otherwise you will be using the sim stamped number. If you are using a sim stamped number, the league assigned number is what will display on your car and there is nothing you need to do like Jerome said. If you are running a custom number, you need to make sure you use the correct number on your paint scheme or you'll look like a dummy driving around with the wrong number on your car. You'll also need to check that box in the graphics menu in-sim that says "hide sim numbers", or whatever it says, in order to see your custom number paint scheme.
I know this reply is a little late lol, but I've been wondering, does the "hide sim numbers" hide numbers for everybody? So you won't be able to see anyone's number unless they have custom numbers in TP?

Will anyone be able to see your custom number if they don't have "hide sim numbers" turned off?
We are not using the custom number feature of iRacing. We will assign your car number in the league section on iRacing so that number is forced on your car.
I know this reply is a little late lol, but I've been wondering, does the "hide sim numbers" hide numbers for everybody? So you won't be able to see anyone's number unless they have custom numbers in TP?

Will anyone be able to see your custom number if they don't have "hide sim numbers" turned off?
If you have the option selected to hide sim stamped numbers, both you and anyone else with hide sim stamped numbers selected will be able to see your custom number. If someone does not have that option selected, they will see the sim stamped number on your car. This means that you want to make sure when you add your paints to trading paints, that you create one without numbers (for the sim stamped number) and one with numbers (for your custom number). This will ensure that anyone who doesn't have the option selected to hide sim stamped numbers will still be able to see your paint scheme. You'll also want to make sure you choose the font and the colors of your sim stamped number in iRacing's paint shop so that it matches your paint scheme for those people that can't see your custom number. Unless you don't really care how your number looks lol. Hopefully that makes sense, but feel free to PM me if you have any more questions and I will gladly try to help you out
Oh, also if you have that option selected to hide sim stamped numbers, and you do NOT have a custom number paint uploaded to Trading Paints. You will still be able to see other people's custom numbers, but your paint scheme will default to the sim stamped number.