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BACK IN STOCK : VRS DirectForce Pro Wheel Base

Advanced SimRacing - Mark

Premium Member
Marc-André Ladouceur
May 12, 2021
iRacing ID
The wait is finally over! We have received a new shipment of DirectForce Pro Wheel Bases straight from Virtual Racing School.

If you are looking for the best quality to price ratio, look no further, this is the upgrade you need for your simulator. Designed and tested by the top SimRacing school in the world, this Wheel Base generates 20 Nm of force through the steering wheel, which will be more than enough to give you all the precise feedback you need to master your vehicle in all the games you play!

1175 $ USD / 1327 $ CAD
Free Shipping & No Import Fees!
Now available on our website :
Probably the best option on the market currently. Pumped to hear you guys stocking it! 🙌
That's true! They really have the best value for the price point on the market. Nobody that has had real experience on this unit could say otherwise. (and we've tested it with Pro SimRacers and the likes).