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Cup Fixed Series 2024/S4
Truck Fixed Series 2024/S4
Patrick Cowgill
Oct 2, 2019
Coloma, MI
iRacing ID
I'm contemplating upgrading from my self build rig to one that takes up less space in my room. I have kids though, so the ASR1 is probably all I'd be able to afford. What I'd like to know is if the ASR1 can support a direct drive wheel? Specifically a SimXperience Accuforce V2 in this case. Chances are, my wife is gonna tell me no, but If I know it will work for me, I can try to convince her to let me get it.
Hi there! Thanks for your consideration. While the ASR 1 is not meant for heavy-duty direct drive units, Barry from the SimRacing Garage clearly demonstrated it could take it :
Granted, you'll feel a bit of flex and perhaps wobble in the steering column, but nothing that will ruin your SimRacing experience. Furthermore, the ASR 1 can be reinforced if need be with some extra corner gussets.
Would I need to get a special mount to be able to mount the Accuforce V2 to it? I also use a Logitech G27 shifter, so I'm curious if that needs any special mount.
I think I might have my wife talked into letting me get it. Fingers crossed
The Accuforce V2 mounts directly on our standard wheel deck, you would be all set. The Logitech Shifter is not compatible however. As far as I know, it's a "clamp on" mount, meaning you would need an extra 6" on aluminum and some corner gussets to create some sort of mounting point. We can offer that as a bonus free of charge, simply send us your cart and we'll make you a special order :)