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Are there any flight sim / truck sim fans here?


Well-known member
Randy Gross
Sep 4, 2021
Champaign, IL
iRacing ID
I know we all like racing sims, but do any of you have other sims you enjoy? I took a break from flight sims but I have recently returned to it. I have too many hours and miles racked up in both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. In a previous sim racing career, I used to sim flights when the schedule changed. Now that I have the truck sims I might even drive the hauler LOL!

Anyone else do stuff like this? It would be neat to do a group flight sometime!
Ive been dabbling in ATS recently. Nothing online though, just puttering around during down time at work lol
I play ATS once is a while now.

Also I was playing IL2-Sturmovik with all the add-ons in early 2000....

I have the new games, IL2- Battle of Stalingrad, but it's been a while that I played it
I have a few hundred hours in War Thunder Full Sim mode, then moved to IL2 BoS, but havent touch it in a while, I heard the new clouds model is really cool tho. I have a CH Products HOTAS, totally recommend it for whoever wants to begin their flight career.
I run X-Plane WHEN life allows me the time. Have the full control rig with pedals and the like...
Im a big fan of combat flight sims myself. I have played many hours in DCS and a bit in IL-2. I do play Star Citizen as well but that is more a space sim
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