Precision Racing League

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2023/S1 - Seasonal prizes draw


League Owner
Staff member
Jerome Berthiaume
Jan 25, 2017
Nicolet, QC, Canada
iRacing ID
Hi everyone!

For 2023/S1, we will again be doing the seasonal draw on Discord! Everyone will be able to join the channel we will create for that but only admin will be able to talk! Text chat will be enabled for all!

We will do the event this next Sunday March 12th at 9pm EDT! You can see the details about prizes and eligibility here.

You will find below, the list of eligible drivers!

We will upload the video on our Youtube page few days after the event!

Click here to join our Discord:

Congratulations to all the winners from yesterday's draw!

All the winner will be contacted privately with instruction on how to claim their prize!

4x 1h PRL eSports driver coaching
Quoc Ninh (DespicableBeast )
Jeff T Evans (JEvans51 )
Lou Christian (LouChristian )
Mark Kaelin (Bubba18 )

20x 3-months Premium membeship to Racelab
Regan Chandler ( rec329 )
Felix Feliz (felizf )
Lucio A. Vargas (L_Almonacid )
Joey Haynes (JHaynes92 )
Nick McLaughlin (Laughlin )
Zachary Yurt (Exzact84 )
Bradley Holly (Bradley Holly )
Patrick Cowgill (Kemosobie03 )
Jaymes O'Brien (Junkyardspecial )
Takeshi Kita (elTakeshi )
Drew DeWese (DrewD523 )
Jose Medina3 (Jose Medina )
C.M. Pennington (C.M. Pennington )
Elliot White (elliotdw )
Steve Loving (SLOWVING )
Robert DeLoach (RobD )
Drew Dewese (DrewD523 )
Richard Swindells2 (RichSwin )
Phil Amaro (phorwitz26 )
Ryan Luna2 (KP-61 )

3x Meca Sim Hardware $75 USD gift card
Ryann Chandler (rec329 )
Carl Modoff (Modoff )
Turner Schroll (Turner Schroll )

1x Raceflag & 2x $80 USD gift card by Racebox
Sulley Saad (raceflag) (sulleysaad )
Austin Hunter2 ($80 USD gift card) (ahunter27t )
Blake Ziti ($80 USD gift card) (Blake Ziti )

1x Buttkicker Gamer Plus kit
Greg Doucet (Greg )

10x ASR $100 USD gift card
Miguel Angel Fonseca (Miguel Fonseca )
Jeff Fleischmann (jfleischmann )
Robert Gough (Bob_cts-v )
Stephen Hassett (shassett91 )
Quoc Ninh (DespicableBeast )
Rob Campbell (Robbie_gtc )
Alan Dice II (LoadedDice90 )
Dallas Sullivan (lolsallad )
Nick Horvath2 (nickhorvath )
Lucio A. Vargas (L_Almonacid )