Precision Racing League

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2022/S4 - Season prizes draw


League Owner
Staff member
Jerome Berthiaume
Jan 25, 2017
Nicolet, QC, Canada
iRacing ID
Hi everyone!

For 2022/S4, we will change the receipe for the seasonal draw! Instead of doing a live on Facebook, we will be doing it on Discord! Everyone will be able to join the channel we will create for that but only admin will be able to talk! Text chat will be enabled for all!

We will do the event this next Sunday December 11th at 9pm EDT! You can see the details about prizes and eligibility here.

You will find below, the list of eligible drivers! Drivers in yellow are not Premium members, hence not eligible. However, they have until December 10th to take the premium membership and become eligible.

We will upload the video on our Youtube page few days after the event!

Click here to join our Discord:

Congratulations to all the winners from yesterday's draw!+

All the winner will be contacted privately with instruction on how to claim their prize!

4x 1h PRL eSports driver coaching
Bret Thurman (Bad Santa )
Pat Harvey (Pat Harvey )
Marc-André Larouche (Frero 17 )
Jad Khalife2 (jkhalife )

20x 3-months Premium membeship to Racelab
Alex Fournier (AlexF )
Ryan Luna2 (KP-61 )
Byron McDonald (Byron McDonald )
Christopher Rines (shiftdnb )
Austin Hunter2 (ahunter27t )
Dylan Schmitt (BikerSchmitt )
Jeff Hollingsworth (Jeff Hollingsworth )
Darren Ruthford (Darren Ruthford )
Michael Kulaga (Mastiff )
Jose Medina3 (Jose Medina )
Nicholas Hunter2 (codahex )
Sean Dickinson (sdickinson64 )
Ryann Chandler (ewingz3 )
Clayton Hamm (UpwindThree078 )
Charles Sumner (Hootius )
C.M. Pennington (C.M. Pennington )
David Ven Roy (DVR 88 )
Shawn Powell (Promixail )
Patrick Cowgill (Kemosobie03 )
Shawn Duhamel (Shawn Duhamel )

1x Raceflag & 2x $80 USD gift card by Racebox
Adam Sands2 (629 Racing ) - Raceflag box
Richard Swindells2 (RichSwin ) - Gift card
Raymond Deux (ShadowNinjaPug ) - Gift card

1x Buttkicker Gamer Plus kit
Austin L Harris (AustinLHarris )

10x ASR $100 USD gift card (+1 extra because Hugo Caputo is a very nice guy :D )
Mike Witt (Michael Witt )
Glenn Vanco (Vancs29 )
Brian Hoskins (mzg718 )
Thomas Sink (Paul48 )
Blake Ziti (Blake Ziti )
Byron Johnson (SpaceJamSham )
Nicholas Karrandjas (KUNJI86 )
Caleb Leamon (C_Leamon )
Mark Kaelin (Bubba18 )
Charles Sumner (Hootius )
Richard L Regan Jr (Richard Regan Jr )