Precision Racing League

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2022/S3 - Season prizes draw


League Owner
Staff member
GTP/GT3 Series 2024/S3
GTP Series 2024/S3
Jerome Berthiaume
Jan 25, 2017
Nicolet, QC, Canada
iRacing ID
Hi everyone!

We will do the live stream to announce the winners of the seasonal draw from our amazing sponsors this next Monday September 5th at 9pm EST! You can see the details about prizes and eligibility here.

You will find below, the list of eligible drivers!

Tune in on September 5th on Facebook! We will upload the video on our Youtube page few days after the event!

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As requested, here is the list of winner of the 2022/S3 seasonal draw!

To all the winners, please monitor the forum because we sent or we will send you soon a PM!

PRL Pro eSports 1-hour coaching
- David Hebert
- Steve Loving
- Joao Guerra
- Brian Hoskins

3-month Pro subscription to Racelab
- Shawn Duhamel
- Sean Campbell
- Mathieu Gagnon
- Kevin Santana
- Ozzy Milwain
- Jeff Hollingsworth
- Don Bowden
- Lucio A. Vargas
- Sean Mulholland
- Michael Terrafino
- Kelly Greenhoe
- Ethan Tavitas
- Eric Papineau
- Alec Bergstrom
- Andre Bennati
- Bret Thurman
- Ryan Kings
- Phil Amaro
- Robert Gilmore
- Cory Prekker

ButtKicker Gamer Plus kit
- Bruce Bridges

ASR $100 USD gift card
- Connor Wagner
- Steven Ridders
- Ethan Tavitas
- Kevin McGarvey
- Austin Bartlett-Chase
- Mark Kaelin
- Devan Horvath
- Blake Ziti
- Thomas Sink
- Cory Prekker